Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Post #32- There's No Place Like Home!

It’s been a WHILE since my last post. Life got busy this summer and the time seemed to get away from me. Since we’ve last spoken on this platform so much has happened in the world including the George Zimmerman verdict, the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and recent events around the world, including the conflict in Syria and the debate surrounding U.S. involvement. Believe me, I have had thoughts about it all, however haven’t had the time (or haven’t made the time) to share them with you. Throughout the year I have also experienced personal loss, including my beloved grandmother who raised me, a professor (and friend) of mine, as well as two very dear friends, one of whom was murdered just this weekend. Again, while I’ve had many thoughts surrounding these personal happenings and how I’m coping, I haven’t shared them. However, I’ve MISSED YOU and would like to reengage, creating a dialogue that is enriching and healing for us both.
After the George Zimmerman trial, I attended a community rally. While there I saw someone with a sign that read, “We are the only hope we have.” This resonated with me because I deeply believe that we must not only be the change we’d like to see in the world (as Gandhi said), but “we” are the “only hope” for change that the world has. It’s much like the great spiritual teaching of the Wizard of Oz… the end Dorothy realizes she had the power all along.
I believe, when I am functioning in my greatest good and highest self, I am a teacher of spiritual principles (and have been most all of my life…some of my earliest memories are of my 7 and 8 year old self teaching my peers in Sunday School). However, through the art of teaching I sometimes consider myself a “reminder.” The best spiritual teaching, in my estimation, is to simply remind one of what their soul already knows.  So, if we need the power to change our circumstances, to change the world, or to simply do better and be better, we must only look within ourselves…for life is an exercise of diffusion, an osmosis or moving that which resides on the inside, out.
If within you resides fear, manifesting in bitterness, jealousy, anger, resentment and feelings of insecurity. Then these emotions and states of being will create that reality in your life. On the contrary, if you start from a place of love, that is, community, faith, service, commitment, non-judgment and feelings of belonging, peace, joy, abundance and empowerment…then you will in turn create that reality.
I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news (in this case, not really… lol), but there is no superhero coming to save the day, no knight-in-shining-armor…no savior. While you may be waiting on God, I’m here to tell you that God is waiting on you. So, if you’ve been knocked down, stand up! If you’ve been setback, comeback! If you are tired of yourself, your community or the world, then get about changing it. Where should you start? Look within yourself to find what’s missing in the world/your life, and then get about the business of expressing it! And, when you look inside, if you can’t find the world needs more of, then you’ve got some “work” to do J.  In the end, I simply want you to know that….

This is not the end of your story. Your best days are not behind you; they are ahead of you. You are the superhero, the incredibly brilliant, capable, competent, wonderfully and fearfully made extension of the Divine, here to save the day. You are the wonderful Wizard of  ________ (fill in your city). As Dorothy did, just look down (or in our case, within) for you’ve always had the answer and its there to remind you there are #bigthingscoming!  

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read my first introductory post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.
(Copyright, 2013, Ray Jordan)

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