Tuesday, September 17, 2013

#Post 42- My Way or the Highway

“When you change the way you look at things; the things you look at change.”
 ~Dr. Wayne Dyer.

I’ve found that so much of life is about perspective. We all see life through a lens that is uniquely our own, therefore the ability to remove those lenses to see the world through the eyes of another, with all of the experiences and nuances of their individuality, is either the mark of spiritual giftedness or spiritual maturity (it comes naturally to some while others must learn how to do it). In either case, once we learn that our perspective is just that….our own and only one way or option to see a thing, we will be freed to power, that is, we will be empowered with a supernatural ability to rise beyond any circumstance…to not only survive it but thrive through it.

Yesterday I began discussing the power of letting go. Most of us have heard the saying, “Let Go and Let Go.” However, in my attempt to go beyond a surface understanding, I have often contemplated what “letting go” actually means. Yesterday, I describe the spiritual principle of “space.”  Meaning, our lives and minds only have so much room, therefore to increase our capacity we should either expand our consciousness (which is equally important) or let go of the old to make room for the new. At its most basic level, letting go is creating space for the #bigthingscoming.

So, as I truly ponder the act and process of letting go, I am confronted with the notion of perspective. Have you even been in a discussion (i.e. argument) where you are trying to rationally and logically explain your case but the other person simply can’t let go of their perspective in order to see another point of view? Maddening isn’t it? Or, rather, have you been the person so steeped in what you have to say, what you feel and what you think to even imagine an alternative truth?

Frankly speaking, we have to let go of the idea that we are right. And not only that we are right, but that we are always right. In letting go of our own perspective, we begin to see the world through God’s perspective. When we let go of how we see things, it makes space for greater vision and clarity, that we might have the capacity to actually understand how God sees things, or in other words we might better comprehend how the Universe works.

For example, God’s perspective prevents us from judging our neighbors. Through God’s eyes, we see our own faults, shortcomings and mistakes before we put others on blast for theirs. God’s perspective always shows us “us,” before ever showing us them. Therefore, through God’s perspective we are able to love, forgive, and grow rather than marinate in the mistakes of those around us.

Likewise, embracing God’s perspective while letting go of our own gives us the liberty to actually see the world through someone else’s eyes. See, God’s perspective gives us greater facility for empathy and love, rather than judgment and contempt. When we see people as God sees them, they can no longer remain “other” for us, but rather their pain becomes ours; we more deeply understand their plight and can better identify with their heartbreak.

Lastly but in some ways most importantly, seeing the world from God’s view enables us to see problems, difficulties and challenges as opportunities and avenues by which blessing and destiny reach us.  When we let go of our perspective and make room for God's, we begin to see that life is happening for us and not to us. We not only lose all judgment for others but for ourselves. We will begin to embrace this tedious journey as our own sacred path to knowing ourselves better and thereby knowing God more. Using God’s perspective allows us to stop judging our lives, yet inspires us to take responsibility for them. It empowers us to take the rightful place as co-creator of our lives, while relinquishing the role of judge toward them.

I really pray that you are accepting this message, really hearing it with your heart. We gotta let go so we can let God. You can’t forget that….

This is not the end of your story. Your best days are not behind you; they are ahead of you.  The grace of God is always available and always in abundance, but we must first make room for it….and we can begin by letting go our own perspective that we might see the world as God does….that we might catch a glimpse of all of the #bigthingscoming.

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read the first (introductory) post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.

(Copyright, 2013, Ray Jordan)

Enjoy a classic Andre Crouch song....Gaither Style! 

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