Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Post 76- Ferguson: Where Do We Go from Here?

I was asked to co-lead a town hall conversation entitled, “Ferguson: Where Do We Go from Here?” My co-facilitator was white colleague and the audience was predominately Anglo as well. Following are my opening remarks from that meeting:

Tonight’s conversation is entitled, “Ferguson: Where Do We Go from Here?” I find that title both uncanny and saddening because it’s similar to the title of Dr. King’s last book, “Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community.” I find it both uncanny and sad because all of these years later we are yet faced with similar options.

I literally woke up this morning thinking about Jazz singer Billie Holiday. In 1939 Billie Holiday released a song that would prove to threaten her career, her safety and even her life. By singing the song “Strange Fruit” she turned a mirror to America, and simply dared to tell the truth. For me that’s fundamental to Spirituality 101…TRUTH. We are to tell it, live it, be it.
So, when I thought about preparing remarks for tonight, I was almost at a loss of words. I am a teacher and preacher by nature and trade, but tonight I am stand as neither, but simply as a human and an American who will attempt to follow the example of Ms. Holiday. I want to simply tell the truth.

This is the Truth as I know it:
1.     People of Color didn’t create racism, but are the ones who have been left to almost singlehandedly dismantle it. We didn’t create it, so we desperately need the help of white folks to get rid of it.

2.     If were to tell the truth, we would admit that our country was founded in the deep recesses of violence, greed, racism and sexism, and that is the American Way. Therefore, “good” people can’t just sit by idly, hoping and wishing things will be different. Just as it was intentionally constructed to be this way, we (people of social consciousness) must be as intentional in deconstructing and then reconstructing a system that doesn’t privilege some at the expense of others. In other words, waiting on someone else to do the heavy lifting simply isn’t working.

3.     Most specifically, in this country black people have been the most reviled, despised and victimized people, quite possibly, the world has ever known. Black lives have always been and continue to be valued less than other lives. Therefore we must settle once and for all that blackness is not scary, threatening, deviant or deficient. Furthermore it not something to be apologized for but something to be celebrated. This is the reason I don’t believe in colorblindness. When I teach this to my students I often pick a female in the class and remark that to say you didn’t notice I was black is like telling this student that you didn’t notice she was a woman. For most women, that would be insulting. To not see my blackness is equally as insulting. I want you to not only see it but help me celebrate it as I help you celebrate your identity.  

4.     This country refuses to allow black people to have moments of collective grief. Examples:
a.     The mention of Slavery and Jim Crow is met with the exclamation of
‘Get over it’...while on 911 we say “Never Forget” and when discussing the Holocaust the marching orders are “Never Again.”  
b.     Another example is when white folks create the ‘cardinal sin’ of interracial conversations. That is, when a person of color suggests they have been a victim of racism, for a white person to instinctually suggest that there MUST be alternative justification. It is an insult to one’s intelligence (because we all know how fair, and just and egalitarian white folks have historically been...right?)
c.      Or when any mention of structural, institutional injustice always leads back to “Black-on-Black” crime, as demonstrated recently by Mr. Giuliani.  When actually most homicide happens intra-racially (for example, 84% of whites die at the hands of other whites but we never hear the term “white-on-white” crime).
d.     Lastly and most recently is how the protest chant and hashtag #BlackLivesMatter is being challenged on social media and thereby changed to “All Lives Matter.” To say that Black Lives Matter is not to say that others don’t, but when you can’t join me in declaring this, but must insist that it be changed to “All Lives Matter” is like running into a funeral and shaming the family for mourning while insisting you, too, have experienced loss. That would be inappropriate, right? Or it’s like running through a Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure while yelling “Hey!! There are other diseases too!!” WHO DOES THAT?

5.     To simply tell the truth is to echo the sentiments of James Baldwin when he said, “to be Negro and be relatively conscious to be in a rage almost all the time.” It is to be in rage, but I might add it is also to be in fear. I am terrified for the lives of my children because the courts have constantly reinforced the idea that if the Zimmermans and Wilsons of the world feel threatened, they consequently have freewill to eliminate the threat….however the problem remains in the fact that blackness itself has been socially constructed as scary, and therefore my identify is seen as a threat by my simply being. Meaning, at any time my children or I can be gunned down in the streets and left for 4.5 hours with very little recourse.

6.     Lastly, I want to tell the truth by stating that black people, as a whole, are an amazingly resilient, creative and tenacious group of people and have proven to be so by the very principle of “survival of the fittest”. If you know anything about the Middle Passage and the Transatlantic Slave Trade then you know the weakest among us didn’t survive. If you know anything about the over 300 years of slavery that followed then you know the weakest among us didn’t survive it. Similarly, slavery was followed by another 100 years of lynching and Jim Crow…and likewise, the weakest among us didn’t survive it. So, if you are black in America you are, by your very genetic makeup, strong and courageous.  However, let’s face it…black people are also fucked up in many, many ways (let’s just tell the truth!) HOWEVER, many if not MOST of those issues are related to the social, economic, and psychological effects of slavery, Jim Crow, the social construction of our identity, as well as the mass urbanization and incarceration of black people…..all of which we didn’t create but of who’s blunt force black people suffer daily to the head of our communities. So, I’ll end where I began….we didn’t create the conditions, therefore we need your help in solving them.

Rev. Dr. Jeff Hood, my co-facilitator, and me.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Post 75- Love Liberates

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 “Love liberates!”
~Dr. Maya Angelou
“An unexamined life is not worth living.”

Both of these quotes resonate with me deeply, but I’ll start with the second one from Plato, because it’s truly one of the guiding posts of my life. I could have also quoted ‘Auntie O’ (Oprah), in saying “your life is always speaking to you,” because I also believe that life/the Universe/GOD is an ever-present voice, reflecting to you what you most desperately need to know in and for the present moment. So, if you simply listen to what your life is saying, you’ll clearly hear the voice of God.
By listening, I mean we must pay attention to what’s happening around us, particularly when something out of the ordinary occurs. And once we notice that occurrence, we mustn’t get caught up in the rat race of life and simply brush it aside, but rather spend some time doing what Plato encourages….actually examining our life, asking ourselves the hard questions of why, how, and what does that mean?
This is actually something I do daily, as I attempt to live into my highest values and the greatest, most authentic expression of who I am. Having said that, this weekend offered me an excellent opportunity to examine my life and to hear what lesson it was trying to teach. As I write this, it’s Sunday evening, but on both Friday and Saturday I had conversations that took me aback and made me really reflect.
I would like to go into greater detail (because if you’ve read my blog with any regularity you know I believe in transparency) but because the conversations involved two people that many of my readers may know (or at least know of) I won’t offer the details but I’ll simply say the overall feeling of the conversations were not positive and both left me feeling anxious and sad.
To make a long story short, let me simply say that I would not consider myself a confrontational person, and as a pretty laid back guy I don’t regularly “have words” with persons, especially those that I care about, so each conversation left me rattled me.  BUT GOD……. Watch this 1, 2, 3 knockout!
-After the second conversation (one was Friday, the other occurred Saturday) I felt the need to “examine” my life and while doing so it became clear to me that there seemed to be one element that both conversations shared . As a result of each conversation and the things the other persons said to me during them, I recognized the predominate feeling felt by me was guilt.  PUNCH ONE!
-As I briefly shared these conversations with the Sunday School Class that I teach…one lady interrupted me and said unequivocally, “Ray, you haven’t forgiven yourself…you have to learn to forgive yourself .” PUNCH TWO.
-When I left that church and went to pick up my son from another church (he had to sing in the children’s choir there) I caught the end of the pastor’s sermon during which he walked to my section, looked straight in my direction and said, “God says there is someone in this section on my left  who is struggling with forgiving themselves. God says you must forgive yourself to free yourself from the past so that you can receive what God has for your future!” PUNCH THREE!!!!
Can the universe communicate to me any clearer?!!! And to be honest, I almost missed it. When the pastor said that, briefly I thought…wow, what a powerful word for someone and then I immediately (thank GOD) said, hey, that’s for me!
To prevent this post from being too long, I’ll stop here for now but I wanted to at least share this testimony with you. I’ll update you later this week because I plan to spend some time praying and meditating on forgiveness of self. I believe, as those of us who grew up in church can attest, religion has done a good job teaching us guilt and confession and repentance but has not taught us what it really means to walk in redemption, forgiveness and grace.
These conversations left me troubled because both persons reached back years and threw some element of the past in my face. Again, not to go into detail because I want to protect their privacy, but the bottom line is this: whatever whomever says to us about what may or may not be true about the past…the fact remains, it’s the past for a reason!
In order for us to move forward in all of the greatness the future holds…we must forgive ourselves into health and wholeness! As Maya reminds us, love liberates…even when (and especially when) that love is directed towards ourselves. We must love ourselves completely, unapologetically, and without condition. For, if we love ourselves, we will liberate ourselves into emotional and spiritual health.
It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged regularly so please pardon me if I’m a little rusty, but I didn’t want the day to pass without my sharing this with you. I have a few more things to say on this topic so stay tuned (especially I share what is shown to me through this meditation assignment). I pray that as I learn to wholly forgive myself, that I can share some insight that might help you completely do the same. In the meantime, please remember….
This is not the end of our story. Our best days are not behind us; they are ahead of us. Every morning offers a new mercy….don’t waste yours, reach out and grab it , so you’ll be ready to receive all of the #bigthingscoming.
NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read the first (introductory) post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.
(Copyright, 2014, Ray Jordan)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Post #74- Living the Simple Life: Keep on Keepin' on!

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Why can’t life be simple? Actually, I believe it can be, but we must first recognize there’s a difference between simple and easy. To create a simple life includes being clear on who you are, what you are called to do and be in the world and living from that deep sense of authenticity. In turn, this will allow all other added pressures and expectations to fall to the side. If we can do this….viola! We’ll have a simple life….It’s simple…but it sure ain’t easy.

Yesterday I had a poolside chat with friends during which I explained that life is not linear as we would likely assume, but it is cyclical (Eastern religion and philosophy has always pointed this out). Our lives aren’t a consecutive series of events but rather cyclical patterns meant to teach us, evolve us, and pull us into our best selves. In other words, God, the great teacher, never fails us….we’re just given the same exam over and over and over again until we learn the lesson and pass the test. So, in order to have the “simple life” which in my estimation is truly the good life, we must become aware of the patterns of our life and identify any issue, hurt or behavior that seems to periodically rear its ugly head.

This week I suffered a great disappointment and while the disappointment involves other people I in no way place my feelings and experience at their feet. Instead I own it as a pattern or cycle I need to recognize and process. All I have ever wanted in life is to be loved….truly and genuinely cared for (but isn’t that really what we all want). This pattern of feeling unloved began early as I often felt both abandoned by my parents and isolated from and rejected by my peers. As a result, my whole life has been spent trying to belong to “that” group.

As a child that group was my white peers who never let me forget that I was black. As an adolescent that group was my circle of black friends, who never quite let me forget that I wasn’t black enough or masculine enough. As a young adult that group was a church of fundamental Pentecostals for whom I molded myself into a dynamic Pentecostal preacher. Here I actually felt most at home because church has always been my refuge, yet I regularly felt like an imposter…a fish out of water because I was gay. Today that group is the “gays” with their funny ways and impossible expectations. They have a language that’s all their own and an incredible judgmental-ness that worships fashion, youth, external appearance and a self-indulgent party culture that can eat you up and spit you out if you’re not careful. Now, I say none of this as a harsh judgment, but simply to share the deep pain I have experienced trying to be a part of that group, whichever group it may be at the time.

I have long come to the conclusion that I will never be a part of that group, nor this group or their group, while I do feel connected to many of them in some way I know I will never be a card-carrying member. This recognition, while sobering, doesn’t necessarily soften the pain of being left out, neglected or even rejected; nor does it necessarily comfort the blow of unmet expectations, hurt feelings, and moments of confusion and loneliness.

So, what is one to do? I guess the only thing one can do: Live a simple life. Keep living…keep loving and keep being yourself. If you’re (I’m) misunderstood…so be it. If you’re (I’m) a really good friend but you never seem to receive the same kind of friendship in return…so be it. If you (I)  never seem to fit into any particular group because you’re (I’m) just a little too big for the confines of limited stereotypes and rigid cliques, keep being yourself, (myself) because in the words of Dr. Keith Kent, and made famous by Mother Teresa:

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind,
people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful,
you will win some false friends and some true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you.
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight.
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough.
Give the best you've got anyway.
You see, 
in the final analysis it is between you and God;
it was never between you and them anyway.

Furthermore….This is not the end of our story. Our best days are not behind us; they are ahead of us. Keep your head up and keep on keepin’ on , so you’ll ready to receive all of the #bigthingscoming.

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read the first (introductory) post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.
(Copyright, 2014, Ray Jordan) 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Post #73- Peace, Part 2

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“Peace of mind is worth more than all the tea in China!”

~Virginia Thrash
my Grandmother

My grandmother, though she didn’t have a college education, was simply the wisest person I’ve ever known. She was so right, at some point we must evaluate our lives. The word “evaluate” simply means to take assessment of the value of a thing. In other words, at some point in life we will likely be faced with making a decision regarding what we value or deem important. Do we value peace…or do we value the opinions of others? Do we value peace….or do we value material things and status symbols? Do we value peace…or do we place value on the companionship of a significant other…any ol’ other!
In my last blog post I lifted a scripture from Psalms 34 (the 14th verse) in which we are compelled to “seek peace and pursue it!” It’s important to understand, first, that I don’t believe God asks us to do something or seek something that cannot be done or cannot be found. So, no matter what the naysayers say…PEACE IS POSSIBLE in the world!
Secondly, we can’t overlook that the Hebrew word for “peace” is Shalom. The noun שלומ (shalom) refers to one who has, or has been provided, what is needed to be whole and complete. Likewise, the verb shalam means to "restore" in the sense of replacing or providing what is needed in order to make someone or something whole and complete. Therefore, we must remember that peace isn’t simply the absence of something (chaos, turmoil, anxiety, conflict, etc.) but the presence of something (wholeness and completeness).

Peace is possible…peace is the presence of wholeness and completeness. Peace is the state of nothing missing, nothing broken. It is a sense of contentment and harmony with what was, what is and whatever is to be. (In my spiritual imagination, I sense it’s like the feeling you get after a good meal with good company…you rear back and all seems to be ok in the world…ahhh, this is peace…This reminds me of the line from the great movie, “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel,” in which the innkeeper says, “In the end everything will be ok, and if it is not ok, it is not yet the end.”)

Again, in my spiritual imagination, and in fact in my meditation time not long ago, I saw life as a windstorm and peace as a handle or knotted rope, anchoring us. This is what peace does, when life comes at us with torrential winds, if we can just hold our peace, we will be centered and anchored in a supernatural presence. I believe, that first and foremost, this anchoring force is the truth that we have peace with God.

As stated in the last post I want to address what it means to have peace with God, peace with ourselves, and ultimately peace with others (because, anecdotally, the latter can’t occur without the former). But for now, I want to leave with you this…

This is not the end of our story. Our best days are not behind us; they are ahead of us. Peace is the presence of something, something divine. Without it the winds of life will blow us to and fro…with it we are anchored and steady and ready to receive all of the #bigthingscoming.

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read the first (introductory) post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.
(Copyright, 2014, Ray Jordan)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Post #72- Peace

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(forgive my congestion)

“You are—and have always been—and will forever be, enough.”

~Klay Willaims,
Author, Lifestyle Consultant, and my Friend

Ok everyone; we’re a little more than a month into the New Year! So…how’s it going? I don’t know about you, but I began 2014 with a renewed sense of hope and purpose. I was so ready for change in the new year I dedicated a whole blog series to it (see Posts #66-71). However, as many of you know, transition isn’t always simple and just because it’s necessary and good doesn’t make it easy.
Please don’t’ misunderstand me, I am no less excited and prepared for the #bigthingscoming as I was a month ago. However I am also aware that if one values peace in their life, you must be intentional about obtaining it; and believe me, the first six weeks of 2014 have offered ample opportunity for me to lose peace and embrace anxiety, worry, frustration, and conflict.
One of my favorite scriptures is found in Psalms 34:14. It reads:
“Turn from Evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it.”
Peace is something most desire and all need, but what does it mean and how do we achieve it?  I love this scripture, primarily because it not only places value on the presence of peace but also suggests that desiring it isn’t enough. Rather, one must be intentional about making space for peace. Indeed we must seek and pursue it.

Author Steven Pressfield suggests that every time we set out in any noble direction, there is always resistance or push back we must overcome to achieve greatness. When I was growing up in church I used to hear them say “new levels, new devils.” In any case, as I began to prepare a new series on “peace” for the weekly Sunday School class I teach, I seemed to either serendipitously or through a series of unfortunate events, be faced with emotions and circumstances that were antagonistic to a life of inner peace.

For example, last weekend my daughter auditioned for acceptance into a local arts magnet high school. While sitting and waiting with other parents, I struck up a conversation a lovely lady whose daughter was also auditioning for the theatre department. As we casually chatted she began to share that her daughter was currently attending a local private school with an international focus. She also shared that, subsequently, her daughter, an 8th grader, was fluent in French. During the course of the conversation she also shared that her ex-husband was a cardiovascular surgeon who also had a PhD in molecular biology and that she, though not completely satisfied with her career, was a well-paid member of the corporate world. While this mother was not at all pretentious, the more she shared the smaller I became. The more perfect her family appeared, the more inadequate I felt and the more I feared that my daughter, too, was not ‘enough.’

So, during the course of our conversation, though I did not lie directly, I alluded that I had already completed my PhD.  While I am working very hard to finish my dissertation this year (it should have been finished last year) I am not yet finished, but felt compelled to say I was. This was done, not to make myself feel better, but in hopes that I wouldn’t “appear” to be so insufficient in contrast.
When I left that place my soul was troubled. Me, of all people,….the one who teaches and preaches and blogs about and believes fiercely that one’s value is not found in the extrinsic trappings of materialism and status symbols, I ßfell to ego’s temptation. I was so ashamed…I’m still ashamed.

When I got home, I simply wanted to weep. I wanted to not only weep out of regret and repentance for speaking mistruth…but out of the sympathy I felt for the little boy still in pain. The feelings of insecurity and inadequacy were merely a symptom of childhood pain I’m, apparently, still healing.
I don’t know about you, but I’m determined to be healed! I refuse to allow the pain of the past to wreak havoc in the promise of my future. I WILL HAVE PEACE!! And the process, the path begins now.

I believe wholeheartedly that we are living in eternity now. Eternity means infinity, or time without beginning or end. Therefore, we don’t have to “wait” for God to move or God to heal or God to change or God to bless. God is indeed moving, healing, changing, blessing now and its up to us to join that movement and step into that flow. I know all things are lessons to be learned, purely invitations for us to live our best lives and rise a to our highest good. Therefore, the path to peace, whether through comfortable or uncomfortable means, begins right now, if only I’ll take it.

For the next few posts I’d like to continue this conversation surrounding peace (please join by posting comments in the comment section below). Peace with God, peace with ourselves and peace with others. There’s healing yet to be experienced….and even when you know that you know…there’s another level of knowing yet to be known. For…

This is not the end of my story. My best days are not behind me; they are ahead of me. I will seek peace. I will pursue it. The pain of the past will not rob me of it, the path of deliverance will lead me to it for I’m positioning myself for all of the #bigthingscoming.

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read the first (introductory) post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.

(Copyright, 2014, Ray Jordan)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Post #71- Change, Part 5: Learning to Trust Myself Again

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“Have you met you? I have and I think you’re amazing!”
~Spoken to me by a friend.

As I type this I’m sitting in my church’s sanctuary listening to my 9-year old rehearse with the children’s choir. Their sweet melodic voices remind of the innocence of childhood (I’ve even been known to shed a tear or two when they sing during worship service….especially when my baby has a solo. I’m a sap, I know!). I don’t know about you, but when I take an honest inventory of my childhood I can remember a pure innocence and virtuousness about myself. Upon reflection, I can remember being my full and truest self, that is until someone told me that who I was, was not good. Unfortunately I believed them and hence lost touch with myself somewhere along the way.
Today I want to wrap up our conversation regarding change (if you haven’t read or listened to the previous posts, please see posts #66-70; I think they’ll be a blessing to you!). I can feel change in the air. While I know that change is not always easy or comfortable, I also know that I must embrace it, for this world is a world of movement, and time waits for no one. In fact, the only thing constant about life is that we can always count on change. So, I choose to embrace the beauty and excitement of change, knowing that the pleasure of what I’m gaining will far outweigh the pain of what might be lost.
When weathering the winds of change, however, I’m reminded that the most formidable ally I have is “me.” I believe we are co-creators of life, and that in the final analysis, this “universe is a friendly universe” (quote attributed to Albert Einstein). In other words, God has done God’s part and now we must do ours, which in large part includes excavating the depths of our own soul, creating new meaning out of our lived experience and releasing the passion, purpose, and power that lies within.
I’m the first to admit that this can be more easily said than done. Meaning, while I am fully persuaded that there are unfathomable depths of wisdom within my own soul I am also well aware that I have made some grave mistakes along life’s journey. These mistakes have no doubt been due to my not being in touch with and thereby following the wisdom within, nevertheless they have left me estranged from my best friend and ally… “me.” So, as I weather the winds of change, maneuver the maze of life, and seek to rise victorious through the warfare life’s transitions can seemingly be (is that enough metaphors for ya?), I must learn to trust myself again.
This can be a scary notion because I haven’t always been true to myself, which has lead to self-destructive behavior and poor decisions, all at attempts to find validation and acceptance by others. However, I must get back to me. I must find my center and remain true to my life’s journey and soul’s calling.
For example, as I sit here in the sanctuary of my church, if I allowed myself to be, I could be anxiety-filled and engulfed in sadness. Let me explain….I grew watching The Cosby Show and consequently created a mental image of what family was and is “suppose” to be. My church (one of my churches, I happened to be bi-congregational, which is another story) happens to be a congregation that is known for having more than its more than fair share of affluent black families, or in other words, the kind of family I have always envisioned for myself. However, this was not meant to be for me. This was not meant to be my life. I tried to create it for myself, and in fact I did so pretty successfully, but there was one little problem. I’m gay, and contrary to popular opinion among many circles, it wasn’t my choice; I was born this way. Therefore, the ‘mom-dad-kids’ model was not meant to be my life and I have to be ok with that. In order to have peace with myself and the world around me, I have to be at peace with it.
Trying to create the “perfect” family, I was crazed with feelings of inadequacy and driven by deep insecurity and it literally almost derailed my life (I could write a book, believe me!). By being out of touch with my truest self, I became estranged from myself and driven by the most fearful parts of my ego, which lead to a life in turmoil. So, as I now strive to live out of my soul, be lead by love and not fear, and best discern my life’s path, I’m occasionally hesitant to use my greatest resource….me, because quite frankly I haven’t always been a good friend to myself. Nonetheless, if I’m to be spiritually attuned to the best life that “I” can live, I must be able to trust me again.
I am changing. We are changing. We are shedding the old and embracing the new. We are walking in new territory and experiencing new people, places and things. I am meant to live a great life, however it’s not necessarily a life that I have envisioned for myself based on some abstract idea of what it is suppose to be. Rather, there is a life purposed for me and I must be intimately acquainted with it. I must disabuse myself of the idea that any other life can be better than one that is destined for me and thereby forgive myself for neglecting it. For… 
This is not the end of my story. My best days are not behind me; they are ahead of me. I am changing but to do so well, I must trust myself again, for if I don’t I’ll lose my best friend, my most strongest and miss all of the #bigthingscoming.

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read the first (introductory) post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.
(Copyright, 2014, Ray Jordan)

 The One and Only
Jennifer Hudson
"I am Changing"

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Post #70- Change Part 4: Desperate For It!

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“Desperate times call for desperate measures”
~English Proverb

A couple of years ago a new phase popped up in urban vernacular. I remember when I first heard the term “thirsty” and thought, “what does that mean?” I have two teenage children so I try to keep up with what’s going on in urban and pop culture, so today when I hear someone described as being thirsty I am fully aware it is not meant as a compliment but as a way of saying someone is being or acting “desperate.”

Apparently among young people and their dating scenarios the last thing one wants to be is “thirsty,” however I’ve got a few years on the teenyboppers (the fact I just used the word ‘teenybopper’ should attest to that) and I’ve come to believe that desperation isn’t all that bad. In fact, in regards to change, one must be desperate for it.

I smell change in the air. I feel for me and I believe for many others, there is a transition happening. It’s simply time for something different, something new, something higher…something greater. If you are within that cohort, if you want a change, need a change, feel it’s time for a change then the last few posts (posts #66-69) have been just for you.

I believe The Universe offers us many opportunities or invitations to meet our purpose and rise to our best and highest selves. Within these opportunities we dance with the Divine and partner with God to move forward in our lives. Praise and worship is an invitation to dance with the Divine, meet our soul’s purpose and rise to our highest self. I believe education can be an invitation as can our relationships with friends and loved ones. Indeed, challenges and difficulties is such an invitation as can a myriad of other life experiences. Likewise, I’d like to suggest that desperation is also an invitation to be our best selves. Our “thirst” for change also serves as an opportunity to embrace our soul’s purpose and dance with God.

I’m the first to admit that desperation is not comfortable and is rarely pretty, but it’s necessary because it pushes us to places we might not otherwise go. If we are truly ready for change and thirsty for more, we must be desperate enough to….
  • Tell the truth…facing the whole truth about ourselves and our experiences while refusing to live a lie, tell a lie, or nurse any untruth about ourselves. We must claim and live our truth. We have to be desperate enough to be vulnerable. We have to stop hiding behind our past so that we might embrace the reality and promise of our present and future.
  • Forgive….giving up the hope that the past could have been any different while freeing ourselves from the prison of yesterday. We have to be desperate enough to tell a different story about ourselves and simply let it go.
  • Take a risk….when we feel a move or decision is genuinely and honestly for us. We must be desperate enough to make a move and take a risk without being overwhelmed with the thoughts of what might be lost, but rather focus on what there is to be gained.
  • To be out of the norm…..to go against the grain. We must be desperate enough to look “thirsty.” We must not value “swag” over spiritual integrity. Meaning, we must be true to ourselves. We must be authentically who we are and not paralyzed by the fear of what others say or think.

I don’t know about you, but I’m desperate for change. Our country needs it; our worlds needs. Nevertheless, I’m reminded of an old hymn, “Let There Be Peace on Earth, and Let it Begin with Me.” Yes, our world needs change but so does my life. I can’t effectively change the world without first experiencing a change within myself. As I change within, that energy will change my life and my life will affect the world. So, call me thirsty if you’d like, that’s fine. I just know that I’m desperate for change, aren’t you? For….
This is not the end of our story. Our best days are not behind us; they are ahead of us. I’m ready for a change! It’s time for a transition and I’m desperate enough to do what it takes, because I believe there are  #bigthingscoming.

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read the first (introductory) post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.
(Copyright, 2014, Ray Jordan)

The One and Only
Gladys Knight
"Let There Be Peace on Earth"

Monday, January 6, 2014

Post #69- Change, Part 3: Just Move

Listen Here and/or Read Below
(if you're listening, forgive the background noise...my 9yr. old)

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
We must be fully persuaded and thoroughly convinced that God is working right now, that the universe is rising up to meet us right where we are.
~Ray Jordan, Post #68
All we have is right now. That’s it! The most important step is our next one and the most important moment is the one we’re living right now. Why? Because truly the present is all we have.  While this may be a hard truth, it’s a necessary one and once truly understood, I believe it can be a liberating one.
So much of our time is spent reliving the mistakes of the past….playing the loop of “woulda-coulda-shoulda” over and over again.  Or the past, for many of us, represents some grand accomplishments of yesteryear or the “good ole days.” In either case, we’re left imprisoned by an illusion. The smoke and mirrors of our ego have left us believing that it could have somehow been some other way or could have been different or that our life would somehow be made better if we could just go back and recapture some former glory.
Similarly, others of us are left fawning for some mystical future (even if it’s the afterlife) in which we might find some relief, joy, pleasure or peace. In which case we’re left paralyzed in a holding pattern, waiting for God or death or some other life happening before we can finally be happy.
If I were honest (and I vowed to be when beginning this blog) I can admit to having found myself in both scenarios.  I still struggle with moments in which I feel deep regret for the mistakes of my past or experience impatience as I wait for my “path” to begin. However, when I am my highest and best self, when I am fully aware and conscious I realize that either is not only unproductive but harmful and unhealthy to my sense of self and life’s mission. I have come to understand that God/The Universe is using my ‘right now’ to unfold my life’s destiny. In other words, whatever I am experiencing right now within my career, relationships, family dynamics, finances, etc., is nothing more than training ground to unfold and develop my purpose. In other words, I don’t have go back in the past to fix anything to have fulfilled my life’s purpose; those things are a part of my life’s trajectory. I don’t have to wait for my path to begin; I’m already on the path.
I’m an educator by training and a teacher at heart, so sometimes communicating through written text is difficult because I’m accustomed to being in front of my audience where I can easily check for understanding (which is why posting your comments and questions is always welcomed). So, I hope that as you read these words you are experiencing them as powerfully as I am typing them.  I want to you feel in your soul that you are living in eternity right now. Eternity means to have no beginning or end. So, we don’t have to wait for heaven to live in eternity, we are in eternity right now. That’s why the present moment is so important. What you do with your ‘right now’ is the most important decision before you. Therefore, in our conversation regarding change, your action is crucial.
Change is in the air. Not change for change’s sake, but I believe we are called to discern this time in our life and be aware of the zeitgeist, asking ourselves where the wind of change and transition can be found in our lives and the world. God is a god of movement. The universe is one of ultimate unfolding and perpetual progression. In life, there’s no such thing as coasting. Either we are progressing or digressing, moving forward or falling behind. If we are committed to being the best we can be, to seeing God’s will for us (as Jesus taught) on earth as it is in heaven, then we are committed to moving forward. However, let’s not be mistaken, our future is not determined tomorrow, it’s determined today.
The power of action as it relates to change has two sides to be considered. Practically speaking, today we are living yesterday’s actions (good, bad, or ugly). Our lives today consist of the decisions we made in the past. Our futures, therefore, will consist of what we are doing today. However, there is also a powerful supernatural spiritual principle to be understood.  God is a god of movement. The Universe loves action. Or as my ancestors might say, when you take one step, God will take two!
If you have a passion; if you have a goal; if you know there is a direction in which you should move or a transition to be made, just take a step. Just make a move. If possible, do a little something everyday. You don’t have to know exactly what the transition or change is, just make some movement. Whether it be symbolic or concrete, just take some action. Allow your faith to be on display. Demonstrate your willingness to move in the flow.
Remember, we are co-creators of our life. We’re in partnership with the Divine and God has already done God’s part. As Marianne Williamson reminds us, there is a file in the spiritual realm named “God’s Will” and it’s simply waiting to be downloaded, but it’s up to us to do so. So, do just that. Start downloading. Move. Act. Take a step. Lean in. Walk forward. Nudge. Push. For…..
This is not the end of our story. Our best days are not behind us; they are ahead of us. The love and peace and joy and blessing of God is ready to be downloaded, but we must act. We must do the downloading. So forget the pain or pleasure of yesterday and don’t get stuck simply daydreaming about tomorrow. Instead, lean in and step up and receive all of the  #bigthingscoming.

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read the first (introductory) post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.

(Copyright, 2014, Ray Jordan)