Saturday, November 28, 2020

My Experience with COVID-19

Thank you for visiting my blog. Whether this is the first time you’ve landed here, or you have followed my thoughts for years, welcome to the site! Of course, you’re invited to spend some time looking through old posts and letting me know what you think.

I decided to dust off my blog to share my experiences with COVID-19. There is no need for me to wax eloquent about the sacrifices I’ve made or how my life has been disrupted by this pandemic because….well, we’ve all been impacted and we’re all ready to get back to some sense of normalcy. However, I will begin by sharing my deep gratitude for a full recovery (over 260,000 people and families cannot say the same).

I’ve been asked if I know how I contracted the virus. Yes, I do. It was not from strangers nor was it in a public space, rather I contracted the virus at a family gathering (it’s so easy to let our guard down around family). The cruel irony is, I contracted the virus at the funeral of a loved one who actually died due to complications of COVID-19. While eating and visiting with family, I believe I came into contact with the virus (as did at least 5 others who also tested positive after attending the funeral).

Here is my timeline:

  • Saturday- Came into contact with the virus
  • Tuesday- Began exhibiting signs of a cold.
  • Wednesday- Continued with cold symptoms with the addition of chills and fatigue
  • Thursday- I woke up feeling like I had the flu, complete with a low grade fever, chills, body aches, fatigue, headaches and overall feeling like I had been run over by a large truck.
  • Saturday- The fever broke yet my fatigue was crippling and I began having nausea and diarrhea.

 These symptoms continued in some way for almost 3 weeks. Interestingly enough, I felt like the virus was located in my head. There were places on my forehead and scalp that were tender to the touch and when I massaged my head and scalp it felt as if more sickness lowered into my body making me nauseous and unable to function.

I nursed my symptoms with my preferred cold and flu medicine as well as Mucinex and plenty of fluids. The feeling of fatigue, nausea, dizziness, headaches and body aches continued and came in waves. Though I would sleep for hours, I would still wake completely exhausted and miserably sick to the point I LONGED to just feel like myself again.

Thankfully, I experienced very little shortness of breath or difficulty breathing (my doctor instructed that I should go to the ER if this were to occur) but the illness was crippling.

There are many (thousands) who are “long-haulers.” Meaning, they continue to have symptoms, some times debilitatingly so, for months after the initial diagnosis. Admittedly, I was worried about any long-term effects. Granted, I am not as strong as I was pre-COVID (as someone who worked out 5 days a week, I have yet to get back to this schedule) however, it appears that the only enduring effects have been on my mental health. I came face-to-face with my own mortality and I am committed to living life more authentically and purpose-driven.  


If you have COVID-19 or if you contract it, the best advice I can give is to be patient with yourself and your recovery. It doesn’t move fast; it has its own timetable and agenda. I now TOTALLY understand why those with preexisting health challenges might be hospitalized or experience fatally dangerous symptoms. The virus is strong, angry and it hits with a vengeance. Be safe and let’s take care of each other!