Thursday, July 4, 2013

Post #31- Freedom

“I declare my independence as I acknowledge Spirit to be the only source of power in my life. I refuse to believe that other people or conditions have power over me. I cast out any thought that the creative and loving power of Spirit in me is affected by what another person says, does, or thinks. Likewise, no physical condition can keep me from expressing the greatness of Spirit within.
Claiming the power of Spirit, I know I am wise and loving and creative. I have the ability to overcome challenges. I dream big dreams, and through Spirit, I achieve them. I have the opportunity to live a life of purpose and meaning and to use my gifts in unlimited ways. I am free!” July, 4, 2013

Today’s devotional is particularly poignant to me, not only because we’re celebrating Independence Day in the United States, but also because of the events currently taking place in Egypt. How remarkable that, within two years, the people of Egypt have organized themselves into a mighty voice and force for freedom, and yet again toppled another regime. While there is plenty of political buzz surrounding the sociopolitical implications of what some are calling a military “coup,” I don’t want to engage that angle of the story (though, as I’m currently writing a PhD dissertation surrounding social movements for an interdisciplinary degree in public policy and social change, I am well able). In fact, I think there is a greater truth to be garnered from the recent events in Egypt, and that is the ability of the people to not only recognize the political and religious tyranny of the Muslim Brotherhood, but their having the moral will and fortitude to overthrow it.
Oh, may we Americans take note of the Egyptians, a proud African people, and too overthrow the religious oppression (which often leads to political oppression) that seeks to strangle our own freedom. Let no church, no tradition, no mosque, no temple, no religion choke the very breath of freedom from your life, yet instead, stand bold and live a life of authenticity and power. May we too be prepared to topple any force, be it social, political or religious, which seeks to degrade our own inherent dignity and humanity. May we not only take note, but show our support for their efforts, for in the words of Dr. King, “injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere.”
I know you have lots of rest and recreation to accomplish today, so I’ll leave it at that (besides, I have a potato salad to make!). I encourage you to take this thought and allow it to marinate in your soul, remembering the blessing of both political AND spiritual freedom and knowing…..
This is not the end of your story. Your best days are not behind you; they are ahead of you. Give thanks for your own freedom and work so others might also experience it, resting assure that there are #bigthingscoming!

Celebrating Freedom,

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read my first introductory post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.
(Copyright, 2013, Ray Jordan) 

P.S. Take a moment of American pride and hear which might be the best sung version of our national anthem ever attempted! 


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