Thursday, June 20, 2013

Post #25- Pay Attention and Feel

Do you feel a sense of urgency? Do you find yourself restless and uneasy, looking for something more in life?  I can definitely relate, in fact I’ve felt this way most of my life.  Particularly, for most of my adulthood I felt lost in a whirlwind of life that seemed to be going faster than I could handle and in a direction I couldn’t control. Looking back on my twenties (oh those pesky 20s), I can now recognize why I felt a sense of urgency and out of control (which often manifested in panic, anger, and anxiety). In all honesty, I had numbed myself to the experience of life.
I was living a life that wasn’t my own. I thought it was who and what I wanted to be, or at least was “suppose” to be, but in fact I was living a life that was only a mere reflection of my authentic self. I had been lulled into an existence that “looked” good on the outside but deep inside didn’t “feel” good. However, I was so numbed to my own emotions, inclinations, intuition, and needs that I wasn’t able to really understand, much less articulate what I was feeling.
This is why I’ve used this blog to stress what I’m calling “multidimensional knowing.” While this is no official theory, it’s a term I’ve come to use that simply means to utilize all of the resources available to engage life, to truly experience it. It means to step to life fully, wholly, and truly with no pretense or judgment but rather an open heart and mind.
Your life is yours, so you must own it. Don’t judge it; own it. Please hear this. Wherever you feel destined to be or go, your life…at this very moment…has all of the components necessary to carry you there. However, you must be present to it. You must have ears to hear and eyes to see what it is trying to teach you. And if you are prepared to learn, the rhythm of grace and the flow of life will be a rising tide, lifting you to heights unimagined.
So, when I say to be present, I mean just that. Wake up and pay attention to:
-       The patterns of behavior in your life.
-       The patterns of thought and belief in your life. For, what you think and believe ALWAYS determines what you do.
-       Your relationships, past and present (friendship or otherwise), dissecting them to better understand who you are/were in them.
-       How others see you. While our lives shouldn’t be dictated by others, hearing what others have said about you might be very helpful, for if several people have said the said thing….hmmm, there’s probably something to it.
And of course, pay attention to the natural flow of things (see Post 10), or better yet, pay attention to the resistance of things. Don’t force anything. If you are experiencing a struggle, an uphill climb, drudgery, then reconsider it because your birthright is joy and peace, not struggle and hardship (but more about this tomorrow).
Simply stated, experience life, including that which makes you feel comfortable, secure and calm as well as that which is uncomfortable, making you feel insecure and anxious. Feel both; allow the sensations of the emotions and state of being to flow through your body, possibly asking yourself why you feel them (if you’re unsure from where the emotion has come). Just be, feel, experience. Completely feel the joy; be very aware of the pain; and examine yourself so that your truest most authentic self can arise. Hmmmm……
This is not the end of your story. Your best days are not behind you, they are ahead of you. Don’t let life run away with you, slow down and feel, be and live. Be passionately present to yourself and your surroundings, and you’ll experience all of the #bigthingscoming!


NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read my first introductory post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.
(Copyright, 2013, Ray Jordan)

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