Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Post #13- Tips and Techniques!

Ok, with all of this talk about being present and authentic and getting in the flow and following our inner voice, let me take a moment to be a bit more practical. I want to show you how I practice the presence. First and foremost, I believe the most important relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself (know thyself, remember?). Therefore, the most important voice you can hear is the one that bubbles up from deep within yourself. This voice is your moral compass and your ever-present guide. It has access to the deep wells of universal wisdom and the pure divinity that relates to and connects all things. So, to lead a life of joy and fulfillment, you must be grounded and in touch with “you.” There are many ways to open yourself to this celestial presence, from praying in tongues to contemplative prayer to transcendental mediation, but I’ll simply use this opportunity to share some of my daily routine.
First, I choose a time in which I can be away from the busyness of life. For me, this is early in the morning because it starts my day in the right direction. However, I have also stolen moments throughout the day when I find myself alone and in need of a little recharge.
·      First, my personal morning ritual begins with a devotional reading (some of which I have shared as posts in this blog, dailyword.com). I read this slowly and carefully, paying close attention to words, phrases or concepts that jump out at me or move/affect me in a particular way.
·      Secondly, if something specifically interests me, I will spend a moment referencing it, whether it be the scripture or a word/concept listed in the devotion. What’s important here is that you pay attention to what your soul is saying or where it is leading.
·      Next, I’ll spend time clearing my mind and listening. This can be easier said than done. The voice of your soul and the movement of God is found in the space between your thoughts. God is that powerful energy in the stillness (Be still and know that I am God…..Psalm 46:10). There is where you want to rest. However, if you have a hard time silencing your mind (and we all do) then you should try to at least focus it. This can be done by slowly and intentionally repeating a word or phrase (usually found within the devotional) as a mantra. Make your mind slowly say the mantra as you calculatedly breathe in……and out.
·      Finally, listen! Listen to what comes to the surface. Don’t judge it and in fact don’t judge yourself. Just “be” in this space (tomorrow I will share a few things that have POPPED out of my soul during my times of meditation. They  have truly brought healing to me). Be present in the now. Feel your feet and hands. Experience your breathing and sink into your seat. Just simply be present.
Granted, it may be tempting to fall asleep and in fact it will happen sometimes. If so, it’s ok. Remember, don’t judge yourself. You may find yourself in a semi-sleep state. If so, again, it’s ok. After you become accustomed to this practice of presence, it will follow you into your daily life. When all hell is breaking out around you, you’ll find a sweet quiet and gentle stillness within. Instead of “reacting,” you’ll find a quiet strength and a steady flow to your thoughts and actions and feel an authenticity arise in you that you’ve not known before. Don’t be alarmed or even surprised, you are simply connecting to the divine flow of life….and it will feel so good! You’ll be centered in the fact that ……..

This is not the end of your story. Your best days are not behind you, they are ahead of you. So, get grounded and practice the presence because you have #bigthingscoming!


NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read my first introductory post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming. (Copyright, 2013, Ray Jordan)

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