Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Post #20- Burn Baby Burn!

“Catch on fire and others will love to come watch you burn.” ~John Wesley

Yesterday we spoke about multi-dimensional knowing, understanding that we are more than our minds and bodies, but within the richness of consciousness resides the spirit or soul part of us. Therefore, if we aren’t accessing the potential of all three, we are incomplete and, according to the Bible (I Thessalonians), unholy.  Meaning, when we engage our whole selves, mind, body, and soul, and learn to live out of the totality of our personhood and the gifts it offers, then we truly function out of multi-dimensional knowing, using our own sacred divinity, the very image or reflection of God, to “experience” life.
As we contemplate living wholly and thereby holy, we are simply saying that we are showing up for life, committed to being passionately present and deeply aware of our phenomenological existence; consequently living life on fire!.  This requires being keenly conscious and rooted in the now. We should be mentally, physically and spiritually aware of what we’re feeling and thinking and how we’re reacting and responding to our present condition. Simply stated, we are not to exist but rather experience life fully.
In a world of quantitative skepticism and modernist rationalism, experience and the power thereof is often discarded. This is why I deeply enjoy what Methodist circles tout as the “Wesleyan Quadrilateral.” John Wesley, religious reformer and founder of the Methodist Movement, is attributed to having used four pillars of discernment when considering any issue, theological or otherwise. As a person of Christian faith, scripture was quite naturally included. He also used [church] tradition, trusting in the wisdom of those before him. Reason was also invoked, which includes science and other forms of “secular” knowledge. Lastly, but in some ways most importantly is one’s experience. Personal, human, individual truth remains a fundamental determiner of the measure of joy, peace, and prosperity we encounter. Therefore, our experience of our life makes all of the difference and contains many of the answers to your questions and life’s mysteries.
So, how are you experiencing your life? Or in other words, what are the predominant emotions, fears, and motivations you meet daily? What seems to be the overarching story or narrative of your life? It is one of joy and victory or one of defeat and dismay?
I know some folks will say that I’m putting too much emphasis on experience while neglecting the preeminence of scripture. Don’t get me wrong, I love scripture and I take it seriously (just not always literally). However, as British author and scholar Karen Armstrong says, “the biblical God is a starter kit.” I agree with her.
The biblical text is there to point in the right direction and offer a foundation, but it’s only the launching pad for a lifelong spiritual quest toward transcendence. God and all that God is is beyond any book, even one as awesome as the Bible! Meaning, God is that which can't be spoken of, expressed, heard, seen or even completely understood (and the best we can get to fathoming glimpses of the Divine is through multi-dimensional knowing). So, if our view or conception of God hasn't changed much over the years then something is stagnant or underdeveloped, and we certainly aren’t “experiencing” God in our life.

I have a few more things to say but I’ll save them for tomorrow, not wanting to risk making the post too lengthy (see, I remember the promise I made in Post #1).  I’ll merely leave you with the challenge to employ all of yourself in order to experience the richness and fullness of life. Look deeply, feel intently, and be conscious of you as you. What is your experience of life mentally, physically and spiritually…. and how does that inform who and what you are and how and what you know. Once you get clear on your own experience you’ll find yourself deeply rooted in the fire and energy of life………of God. In the meantime, please know……

This is not the end of your story. Your best days are not behind you, they are ahead of you. So, experience life with all that you are and with all that you have. Be passionately present to yourself and your surroundings, and you’ll recognize you have #bigthingscoming!

Phenomenologically Yours!  

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read my first introductory post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.
(Copyright, 2013, Ray Jordan) 

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