Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Post #21- Praise Break!!!!

My intent was to continue yesterday’s conversation, (we’ll continue that tomorrow) but instead I’d rather take this opportunity to simply say “thank you.”
What prompted this? Well, a part of the many gigs I have, I conduct workshops for local Texas Workforce Commission job centers (or the unemployment office).  Today, I returned to an inner city location that I haven’t been to in over a year and was taken aback by the stark reality of poverty. As I left the center, I simply looked around me and thought, LORD I THANK YOU!!!
Unfortunately, it often takes seeing what could be to truly celebrate what is. In other words, too often we don’t recognized how really fortunate we are until we encounter those who are not as fortunate. Not to criticize or look down upon those that I encountered today, it was simply a wake up call to be thankful…purely, incomparably, undeniably, plum, flat foot thankful!!!
Because it could have been me _________________. In other words, just fill in the blank! I could be homeless, hungry, desolate, etc. So, let’s see if we can turn this post into a gratitude journal. I challenge you….can I get 100 people to comment below and list just one thing you’re grateful for. READY, SET.......POST

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