Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Post #57- Live in Peace and Experience Your Greatness!

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I can truly say, “I am at peace.” What a beautiful place and space to occupy!  Don’t get me wrong everything in my life isn’t perfect. I could even bore you with a long list of things I think could stand a change, yet everything in life is perfect, because they are what they are meant to be. The more I grow in my spirituality, the more I have come to be at peace with everything that has transpired in my life.

Granted, I still have moments of regret and pain. One such moment caught me off guard two weeks ago, during the date of what would have been my 15th wedding anniversary. While I know getting a divorce was the right choice for me, I couldn’t help but think “what if” and covet a life that could have been but was never really meant to be. Thankfully, that evening I was to be the featured speaker of men’s HIV support group, during which I had prepared remarks that described life as a journey. Life, I told them, is a journey we’re all traveling, during which most of us are just trying to figure it all out and make sense of it all.

This was also a good reminder for myself, for I am reminded that healing is a process. Deep within I recognize that every pain, every mistake, every hard place I’ve experienced contained a lesson, and if I pay attention, get out of denial and allow my life to speak to me, to teach me, I will be well-prepared for my destined place and for my purpose.
Today, my morning devotion centered on grace. One part, in particular, moved me. It read,

“Grace happens when I let go and open the doors of my soul to God’s guidance. Grace arrives as effortlessly as the falling leaves when I stop trying to figure out life and just let it be through me. I don’t have to do anything to earn grace; it arises when I surrender.”

Ummmm. I love that! “Grace arrives as effortlessly as the falling leaves when I stop trying to figure out life and just let it be through me.” This, in my humble yet tested perspective, is the key to greatness. This is the key to living in purpose and experiencing meaning in life. I truly believe we are unlimited beings with deep wells of infinite power, creativity, compassion, and wisdom within us (see Post #55). However, so many of us have made accessing it much harder and more complex than it has to be. 
We’ve received messages from the world, including the Church and religion, painting a picture of great sacrifice, effort, and energy, when in fact it’s as easy as surrender.

Will I have to work hard? Sure…but when you’re living in purpose and passion it won’t feel like work. Will I have to sacrifice some things? Yes…but, in my experience, when you’re guided by Spirit, the sting of any seeming sacrifice can’t compare to what you get in return. On life’s journey, if we surrender to grace, we can live in peace. No matter what comes or goes, we’ll know that our lives are unfolding and our stories are being written before our very eyes. In peace and grace, we can meet each new day with excitement and energy, rather than worry, sadness or fear.

We must open our hearts to the blessing of grace and peace. For some of us (and I want to speak directly to many of you), our hearts have hurt and been hurt and thereby they’ve have hardened and closed for far too long. I know it will seem risky and you will feel vulnerable, but you must open your heart. You can’t continue to live like this. You must take off the armor.

See, you’ve put on the armor to keep people out, but what you’ve actually done is trap yourself in. You’re living in a prison of hurt and pain and it’s draining the energy and beauty of your life. I don’t know who did it, but let it go dearheart. You can’t afford to waste another moment….a life of meaning and purpose and beauty and fun awaits you!

You can be healed. You can live in peace, in fact you were made for it, so simply receive and know….

This is not the end of your story. Your best days are not behind you; they are ahead of you. Breathe in grace and live in peace, that you might experience the adventure of life and all of the #bigthingscoming.

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read the first (introductory) post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.

(Copyright, 2013, Ray Jordan)

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