Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Hurting People Hurt People

“Hurting people hurt people. “ I’m not sure where I first heard this phrase but I’m sure it was some preacher from my childhood who first introduced me to this pearl of wisdom (and my initial Google search turned up no original source). Wherever I first heard it, I’ve certainly repeated it many times and maintain that this is one of the “Things I Know for Sure” (to steal a page from Oprah Magazine).

Just think about it. Isn’t it true? Think of the people you’ve encountered in life who seem to get out of bed in the morning only to spew their brand of misery, bitterness and hatefulness all over everyone they meet. Guesses are if you took them on a stroll down memory lane you are likely to find a past hurt.  So, my adherence to this wisdom usually helps me live a life of compassion and understanding, even with those who utterly offend me. In other words, when I stumble upon a total jackass, I’m just reminded that they are battling some hurt or pain that I know nothing about…therefore I’m more obliged to take a deep breath and extend a little longsuffering.

Yet, there is another side of this coin that is rarely discussed. What happens when WE are the ones who allow past experiences, hurts, pains, and traumas to cloud our perspective and alter our behavior? In which ways have we been guilty of dumping our past on the unsuspecting victim in front of us?

My last few posts have unintentionally centered around romantic relationships, with the last two focusing specifically on overcoming rejection.  In some ways I want to continue that in this post (although this could relate to any type of interpersonal interaction).  Unlike the last two posts I don’t want to offer thoughts about being rejected but rather I’d like to turn your attention to the fine art of extending it to others (we must be careful when we’re ALWAYS the hero of the tales we tell).

Let me simply state that I am guilty as charged. I have not always been diplomatic or mature in my rejection of others. While I’ve never been one of those rude or arrogant pricks, I have been known to “ghost” many-a-suitor (You know, “ghost”, meaning, I simply disappear and stop answering calls or texts).  While it’s never, ever my intention to inflict pain on another, I have been guilty of fleeting thoughts that justify my behavior because, “Hey…it’s been done to me!”

I have no deep insight or life shattering revelation to share, other than to caution us about the way we move through the world. We must be self-aware, identifying ways in which we have been bruised by our pasts and therefore we must make a conscious effort not to allow those experiences to un-awaringly cause us to “pass it forward”.

I believe this truth rears its ugly head most noticeably in matters of the heart. I cannot begin to tell you how many people I have encountered who, due to the painful dating/marriage experiences of the past, bring the hurt of the past into their current romantic endeavors. It show itself in many ways. Sometimes it’s through our paranoia and suspicion, or maybe in the ways in which manage conflict. Or, forget managing conflict, our painful pasts often drive us to CREATE the conflict…picking fights with our significant others because deep inside we know this person will eventually hurt us, therefore we must hurt them first. Or (for me this is the worst) when life presents a beautiful human spirit…a good man or woman…we deny them access into our lives, refuse them our hearts and miss the opportunity for true intimacy and partnership because we just can’t get over what the other(s) did to us. Wow…in my estimation, there is nothing more heartbreaking than making this one pay for what the last one did.

Hurting people hurt people. Those of us who have felt the sting of rejection too often become perpetrators of that same pain in others. Sigh…but no matter what the pain of our pasts has been…
This is not the end of our story; the best is not behind us, it is ahead of us. If you still harbor pain from the past, be aware of it, process it, pause your dating life until you can excavate it…but for heaven’s sake, please don’t ignore it. Because without dealing with it, we cannot experience all of the #bigthingscoming.

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read my first introductory post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.
(Copyright, 2016, Ray Jordan)

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