Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Message for the New Year...2016

We are well into February but I couldn’t NOT share where the universe is taking me in this new year/season (forgive my tardiness…sometimes the perfectionist in me doesn’t want to write until I have the time and focus to make it the “best thing I’ve ever written.” I’m learning that simply communicating the message is more important that articulating it in poetic brilliance).

I’ve said it , but it’s worth repeating. I don’t think there is anything magical about a new calendar year. However, I do think it’s an opportune time to reevaluate and give our lives careful consideration. So, while I think this is my “word” for the new year, it’s likely the Spirit was trying to speak it to me all along but I didn’t take the time to actual listen until confronted with 2016.

So, what’ the big message for the new year? It’s quite simple yet profound (as it usually is with God): Love myself. Yep, that’s it. Love myself. While that may seem too simplistic and a little narcissistic to be a message from God, the Universe. It was right on time for me (and possibly for you as well).

For most of my life I have made decisions, both large and small, based almost entirely on the needs, wants, expectations and desires of others. In many instances the intention was noble…a demonstration of my attempt to be a “good Christian” and follow the Golden Rule. Yet, in many other ways it was driven by a deep lack of self-worth and unrelenting “need to please”.  In other words, to experience self-worth I needed to be seen as “good”, “validated”, “praised”….“accepted”. While I don’t see any of those things are inherently bad, to seek them at the expense of authenticity robs one of true self-love and self-worth and thereby robs the world of a divine gift…a blessing so incredible only God can provide it…the gift of “me”.

That’s right, we are each a gift. We are a gift to each other and a gift to the world. No one can take our place. We each hold an invaluable piece to the divine puzzle of life. Sooooo, if we don’t step up to the plate, representing the fullest expressions of our authentic selves, we are robbing the world. Simply stated, loving and expressing ourselves fully is act of worship, a spiritual discipline and one of the most altruistic things we can do.

Don’t get me wrong, I know this. I know this and have known this for a long time…yet I continue to know it in ways deeper and richer than before. However, when I get it on another level, it never ceases to be a kick on the stomach and, at times, a slap in the face. Certainly, I have already leaped some incredible hurdles to live authentically, but I’ll be darned …there is still seems to be more to do. In some ways, I leaped those hurdles in order to survive…but now it’s time to do love myself in order to thrive. For example:

  • Do I change myself, depending on my environment or company, in ways that compromise my integrity and my truest identity?
  • Do I enjoy my own company? Am I happy with the solitude of my own presence…because if I do not how can I expect others to?
  • Do I offer myself self-care…in whatever ways my body and soul need (for me it’s a massage, investing in great spiritual/self-help materials, taking a hot bath, or going to a play, event, etc. that I want to go…without HAVING to have a date or someone to accompany).
  • Do I make decisions that are pleasing to ME...regardless of others it may disappoint?
  • When I look in the mirror, do my eyes and thoughts immediately go to my so-called imperfections, or do I notice all things that I like about myself, praising and giving my body/temple honor?
  • Do I speak truth, live truth, walk in truth…not in ways that are necessarily disrespectful or arrogant to others, but in ways that are confident and honorable to the truth of who and what I am?
  • Do I extend to MYSELF, grace and mercy…and in my case, giving myself the same forgiveness and benefit of the doubt that I offer others?

The list could go on….and on….and on, but you get the picture. We are only 6 weeks into the new year, and this commitment to love myself hasn’t come naturally and it hasn’t been easy (for heaven’s sake, I’m breaking a lifetime of bad habits and behavioral patterns…leaving wanting to scream in emotional pain), but it’s been worth it. I feel as if I’m building spiritual and emotional muscle needed to accomplish that which I have come into the earth realm to accomplish.

Do you think…just possibly… Spirit may be extending this message to you too? Just maybe, is there room for you to love yourself more? Any room to further extend a more full and authentic expression of yourself? If so, read this post multiple times, share it with others and comment below and let me know what you think. For…

This is not the end of our story. Our best days are not behind us; they are ahead of us. Go ahead, and love yourself. It’s ok. You’re worthy of it. Do it for you; do it as worship to God, and do it for the world. Because through this spiritual act, you are making room for #bigthingscoming.

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read the first (introductory) post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming.
(Copyright, 2016, Ray Jordan)


1 comment:

  1. This year is redefining my perception of what self love is and how important it is. I read this months late but it, like all your other entries is completely timely.

    Thanks for sharing!
