Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Post #1-Welcome! Introductory Post

Welcome to my new home! I can't express to you how thrilled (and a bit nervous) I am to be here. These days everybody and their mother seems to have a blog, so starting one of my own shouldn't be that big-a-deal, right? But for me that's exactly why it is. In a world of the 24 hour news cycle, the constant blogosphere, talking heads and commentators, smartphones and social media there rarely seems a place and time to simply enjoy the quiet and embrace the stillness. Therefore, I reluctantly wanted to add yet another voice to the maddening noise that already surrounds us. However, I've felt compelled to launch this site for a number of reasons, among them being my own sense of creativity and personal expression, but mostly because I feel I have something to say.

Yes, I am apparently a professional student with a Bachelor's Degree, two Master Degrees (one being a seminary degree in Theological Studies) and I'm currently writing a dissertation to complete my PhD. However, I know the difference between knowing "stuff" and being wise. The "stuff" I know doesn't make me wise, the expereiences I've been in and grown through have done that. For instance, I've been many things in my life. I've been married and I've been divorced; I've been "straight" and I've been gay; I've been a Dad, a student, a college professor and even a minister....and as quiet as it's kept, I've even been Black (wink). And now, if you allow me, I want to be your teacher and your guide.

I am by no means perfect and Heaven knows I have a long way to go but I'd like to share with you some of the lessons I've learned along the way and still continue to learn. I'd like to invite you take this journey of life with me. Let's have a conversation; let's learn from each other and let's be the best selves we can be. If you are restless in your spirit and know life simply must offer more than what you're experiencing, I invite you follow this blog. At times it'll be:

1. A little bit funny, a little bit serious, but never irrelevant.
2. Authentic and honest, but never pretentious and judgmental.
3. A little bit Christian, but a whole lot of "other," seeking answers but never dogma. 
4. Easy to access and follow, but not too many big words that seek to impress you, instead language that seeks to help you....and finally
5. It won't go on and on and on....any one post becoming too lengthy to read and digest in a single sitting (with this in mind, let me close this opening post).

I hope for it to be all these things and more, and all I ask in return is that you:
A. Come with an open mind (especially with my typos, sometimes my fingers won't type as fast as my thoughts are coming).
B. Respond and communicate to me if something moves or touches you (even if you don't quite understand how and why it did or even if you don't agree with what I've said); and.....
C. If you enjoy the blog...spread the word.

I love you more than you know....I'm also nervous more than you know, lol. And always remember, this is not the end of your story....your best days are not behind you, they're ahead of you, because for YOU, there are #bigthingscoming. ~Ray
(Copyright, 2013, Ray Jordan)

1 comment:

  1. Just found this Ray. Bookmarked your blog under "Health Care"...thought you'd like that! Best, Gary
