Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Post #7- The Philosphy of Miss Piggy

All my scenes are my own. A double? Impossible! I am unique.”
~Miss Piggy

Who doesn’t love Miss Piggy? She by far is my favorite Muppet! I loved her so as a child, my grandfather bought me a Miss Piggy stuffed animal (my mother declared it was a doll and it suspiciously went missing. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I learned she threw it away. I guess she didn’t know she couldn’t fight the inevitable, ha!). So, when I saw this quote from her, I had to steal it for my blog. It reminds me of Dr. Phil’s latest book, in which he challenges us to be the star in our life, for "if we don’t," he asks, "who will?"
Indeed, I can relate to that notion. We are all on the stage of life, having landed the lead part and the role of a lifetime. However, the script hasn’t been provided, not externally anyway. The script comes from within.  From the Christian Bible, the First Epistle of  John, 2:20 says:
“But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.” (KJV)

Other more contemporary translations say an “anointing” but I like the word “unction.” It’s an Old English word that simply means to smear, anoint, apply salve or ointment, or more specifically (as in religious rituals) to receive or impart divine influence or favor. It personally reminds me of the word of urge (though there is apparently no etymological connection). It makes me think of a nudge or notion, or a leading, which in fact what an anointing is. It’s a divine guiding and leading influence, favor or power..... and it resides on the inside of you! The urge is the unction, the impulse is the influence and because it resides in you, John says, “ye know all things.”
Yes, the script for your starring role is on the inside of you, and although deep within you know it, it may take some work to connect with it. The script is called authenticity. In fact, I believe if you have an inner urge, an unsettled feeling, an itch you can’t reach…it’s possible that  God may be calling you into something more, that your unction is leading you into higher levels and deeper dimensions of you. Let me offer (the long awaited) working definitions of inauthenticity and authenticity (interpreted from the work of 19th century Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard):
o   Inauthenticity- A condition that results when the nature and needs of the individual are ignored, denied, and obscured or sacrificed for institutions, abstractions, or groups.
o   Authenticity- The subjective condition of an individual living honestly and courageously in the moment, refusing to make excuses, and not relying on groups or institutions for meaning and purpose.

Each of these provides a wealth of wisdom, but today I want to simply offer this. Are you denying your nature or your needs? Are you ignoring some component of who you are? Professionally, personally, spiritually…are you obscuring or sacrificing some dream, goal, identity, need, aspiration, desire or feeling? If so, stop it. You must decided today to live courageously (see May 26 post), in the moment…refusing to make excuses and not relying on any group or institution for your meaning or purpose. Let no dogma or doctrine, no church or theology, no political affiliation or societal norm, no family expectation nor any pressure from friends and associates move you into an arena of inauthenticity or inhibit you from being the truest, best, most genuine you, you can be.

Hear these words with your soul: you are beautiful beyond words, powerful beyond measure and wise beyond counsel, and if you simply get quiet and listen...deep within you know it. So, when you are your authentic self you are choosing to naturally express the beauty, power and wisdom that already resides within you. Meaning, at the end of the day no one can write your script but you. You must make meaning of this saga we call life and interpret it’s purpose for yourself. But have no fear, you are not alone in the process, but instead you have an inner unction, an anointing, your very connection to the logic and intelligence of the Divine Mind, to lead and guide you in writing this role of a lifetime!

So, pay attention! Be aware! To quote Joseph Campbell, “the privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” So, avoid pretense, lies, untruth and the masks we all feel tempted to wear. But instead, heed Joseph Campbell’s suggestion to “follow your bliss.” Pay attention to and follow love! Follow joy! Follow creativity! Follow passion! Follow what makes you tick, what causes you to lose track of time and what simply makes you happy. This is your authentic self screaming to come out. Follow your bliss and you’ll be led beside the still waters of peace, made to lie down in the green pastures of comfort, and indeed your cup with overflow in authentic abundance! Don’t give up on you….because……..

This is not the end of your story. Your best days are not behind you, they are ahead of you. Making a daily commitment to authenticity, you’ll find blessing beyond measure and will be positioned to receive all of the #bigthingscoming!

Stay authentic!

NOTE: If you’re new to the site it might be helpful to read my first introductory post. Also, feel free to post your questions or comments here and you can always reach out to me on Twitter @raycjordan using the hash tag #bigthingscoming. 
(Copyright, 2013, Ray Jordan)

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